Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Same Old, Same Old...

New week, same old story. Over our spring break "Super Tuesday", consisting of Republican primary elections in 10 states, took place. Once again, Mitt Romney seems incapable of "sealing the deal." To be sure, Romney took over half the delegates that were available that day, but Rick Santorum--and to a lesser extent, Newt Gingrich-- seem to be gaining just enough momentum to prevent Romney from locking up the nomination. Ron Paul, too, has vowed to take his candidacy all the way to Florida, when the Republican National Convention is to be taking place in Tampa during late August. The Republican establishment seems to be frustrated, with John McCain, the party's 2008 nominee, expressing concern over the electoral chances of the eventual nominee against President Obama.

But the race may soon narrow to a virtually two man field, with Ron Paul running a distant third place. Although Newt Gingrich has vowed to stay in the race regardless of what happens in the Alabama and Mississippi primaries, outside observers are less confident. The Alabama Republican Party chairman stated that Gingrich "must win both states to stay in the race." With Gingrich potentially dropping out, Romney and Santorum could potentially take the race down to the wire. 

All of these developments bode well for President Obama's reelection campaign. With the Republicans divided and with no candidate separating himself, the President will be able to continue fundraising while the GOP tears itself apart. 

All along, the Romney campaign has been built purely for the general election. What we are witnessing is a battle for control of the Republican party. The establishment, for many years, has been used to a quick and decisive primary season with a prospective nominee fully established many months before the convention. With the rise of "Tea Party", a much more anti-government, anti-establishment wing of the party is fighting to take control of the GOP, one where purity is favored over pragmatism. Either way, I feel that the eventual nominee is doomed to be handily defeated come November.


-CBS News article on Newt Gingrich vowing to stay in the race
-John McCain on Romney being unable to lock up the nomination

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