Monday, February 13, 2012

Republican Speed Dating!!!

It is looking increasingly like many Republican primary and caucus voters don't exactly feel that "Mitt's the shit." After he handily won Florida and Nevada, it appeared as though Republicans had resigned to the fact that Mitt has too much money and too good of an organization not to win the nomination. Nope. Enter Rick Santorum, the Pride of Penn State, to shake things up. 

For the record, I don't think that Santorum or Romney are bad people. They both seem like very traditional, straight-arrow family men. There is nothing wrong with that. They both are, however, incredibly boring. It's a shame actually. When Santorum actually talks about the plight of the middle class, and how blue-collar American's are suffering, he really is able to make quite a connection. Then he inevitably makes the connection that the nation's economic problems are primarily due to the destruction of the family in our society. Which leads him into talking about homosexuality and abortion, where most voters think he is bat-shit crazy. Mitt Romney always comes across and cold and calculating, seeming to be guided by the principal that the voter is always right. That rule may be true in business, but on the campaign trail, people like to know that you stand for something besides....whatever they want you to stand for. 

Newt Gingrich has far too many skeleton's in his closet (the late 1990's were the golden years for 24-hour news television, with Newt and Bill Clinton having their personal baggage being laid out for all to see), while Ron Paul is totally rejected by many primary voters because they find his foreign policy completely irresponsible.

Despite Romney not being an "exciting candidate"(Can a Mormon be exciting?), the man is immensely qualified to run for public office (CEO of Bain Capital, head of the 2002 Winter Olympics, Governor of Massachusetts), and the only one who stands a chance of not being crushed come November. Too bad he has to beat the other three before he is able to focus on President Obama.



  1. Well for one I definitely agree with you that Romney is a boring candidate. When he talks it always seems like his opinion is whatever the voters' opinion is, which isn't always satisfying. Most people thought that Romney would win from the Republic side until Rick Santorum came around. Though Romney does seem very qualified, many are starting to think that Rick might be a good choice as well. As for good ol' Paul, I don't really think he has a chance.

    1. Paul knows he can't win, and the polls will agree with that. What Paul wants to do is advance Libertarianism. Every debate that he takes part in and every delegate he gets furthers the cause.

  2. To be completely honest I do not follow politics as closely as I should and most of the time I do not know how to respond to your blog posts because they are very specific to certain political issues that your audiance may not be aware of. Not to be critical of your knowledge on current issues but I guess it would be nice if you could maybe explain the politics for people who do not closely follow as much as you do.

    As for the republican primaries, I did hear Mitt and Gingrich speak and they both, to me, did not have as powerful rhetoric skills as Obama I can see where the boringness comes from.
